Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I think I was born with a book in my hand. Books have always been an addiction I can't avoid. I blame it on my mother. (Mothers always get the blame, you know.) As a small child we had a set of Childcraft books with beautiful pictures, stories, poems, and nursery rhymes. I spent hours looking through these books and begged my mother to teach me to read. She refused, saying only a teacher could teach me to read properly. I think that refusal meant there were hidden things that I couldn't reach because I wasn't old enough - I didn't go to school yet so I couldn't read.

Learning to read became the number one goal in my life and reading became an obsession. Obsession to the point that I have rooms in the house which contain nothing more than books. I have spent hundreds of hours and dollars moving these books with me everytime I changed locations over the years. I have books from my childhood, high school, college, and all the years since. Because of my addiction, my husband bought me an e-reader for Christmas this year. He decided he couldn't break the addiction, so in an effort to gain back some space in the house, he bought a Nook. Since New Year's day, when I started downloading, I've finished reading two books with others waiting on the shelf.

Then, I found "reading challenges" on the internet. OK, I love to read, so why not a challenge? So this is my little blog about the books I read for the challenges.

I have signed up for 2011 e-reader challenge at http://theladybugreads.blogspot.com/2010/12/2011-e-book-reading-challenge.html. Of course, I have to do the obsessed level of 20 books for the year. I will post the titles as I finish the books. I'm not a "planner" so there aren't any books I plan to read. I prefer to just let the books find me.

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